Vestibular Rehab

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a specialized form of therapy utilized to alleviate problems caused by vestibular disorders such as vertigo and dizziness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls. A customized exercise plan is developed by a licensed physical therapist based on findings during a patient’s clinical assessment, laboratory testing and imaging studies.

Concussion Treatment

What does VRT treat?

Typically, patients who are referred for VRT have been diagnosed with a vestibular condition. Some of the most common vestibular conditions include:


If you have not yet been assessed or diagnosed with a vestibular condition, common symptoms that can be helped with vestibular rehabilitation include:

  • Vertigo (sense of spinning)

  • Dizziness at rest

  • Dizziness or altered vision with head movements

  • Neck tightness, stiffness and/or pain

  • Imbalance (difficulty getting up or walking without holding onto something)

  • Headaches

  • Frequent falls

Balance Training

Treatment Options

At Aptiva Health Physical Therapy, we develop an individualized exercise program for patients to improve their postural control and gaze stabilization, and to reduce movement or positional dizziness. Patients may also be instructed in relaxation exercises to reduce muscle tension and fatigue.

Most patients will begin a physical conditioning program to improve endurance and increase mobility. Fitness activities include walking, biking, swimming, and rowing. Education is also extremely important to help patients understand the cause of their symptoms and how to manage them. In addition to in-office treatment, vestibular rehabilitation uses a daily home exercise program.

Additional exercises and treatments that are offered in VRT at Aptiva Health Physical Therapy include:

Questions? Call us today! 1-844-999-3627