Massage Therapy

Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure. It's generally considered part of integrative medicine. At Aptiva Health, we utilize massage therapy in conjunction with physical therapy and other manual manipulations for a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, sports injuries, general recovery and rehabilitation, and a host of other needs.

Medical Massage

The purpose of treatment for medical massage is to provide medical assistance. It is outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment. It is also known as clinical massage or treatment massage.

Conditions Treated

At Aptiva Health, massage therapy is employed to treat issues that are either chronic (meaning they last a long time) or acute (a medical issue that has happened recently and can be cared for in the near future.)

Conditions treated include:

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